Five Amazing Uses For A Garden Studio


Rebecca Blott

Rebecca Blott

Managing Director

For dedicated craftsmen or committed hobbyists, garden studios are becoming ever more popular. Building and dedicating an entire space to your craft allows you to enjoy doing what you love from the comfort of your own home. It also gives you the perfect space to share with others who have the same interests.

In this article, we’ll be covering five amazing uses for a garden studio, and you’ll be absolutely teeming with ideas on how to bring yours to life!

1. A beautician’s garden studio

For aspiring beauticians looking to set up their own business, a garden salon can provide all of your professional needs. Regardless of your area of speciality, having a private and relaxing room for your client is always a top priority.

The space will be completely separate from your household, meaning it’s private and secluded too, allowing clients to feel at ease. Our contemporary designs will give it that airy and professional feel to ensure that they’ll be more than happy with your service.

Moreover, your garden studio will need to be open plan, with easy access to mirrors and sinks. If you let our team know of your plans from the get-go, we can structure the design of your salon to fit these needs.

Don’t worry about having to go to a third party for salon necessities. Electricity and running water? Our skilled team can provide this too, being able to provide all of these services in-house.

Garden studios in the South

Whether you want a garden room in Hove, Horsham, Hazelmere or further afield, we are here to help. Your bespoke garden room dream could be next!

2. An artist’s workshop

For those channelling their inner Van Gogh or Picasso, look no further than an artist’s garden studio. Whether you’re a pro with a paintbrush or a whizz at pottery, every artist needs their creative space.

What does an artist need though? Creating always requires a work surface, whether it be a desk, easel or even on the floor. Garden studio designs should allow plenty of room for an artist to birth their magic.

An artist's garden studioAnother thing to consider is lighting. Whilst some may work better in a dimly lit room, it’s no secret that all artists will need some natural light when in the zone. Ensure that you plan for this ahead of time by thinking about what the optimal window placement will be for your garden studio.

Having concerns about night visibility? Our standard LED lights will see you through that too.

You’ll definitely be needing plenty of wall space to display your creations, especially if you’re going to be using the garden studio a lot. How better to show off your masterpieces than with some smart shelving or wall mounts?

3. A musician’s garden studio

Loud music can cause a split in even the most tight-knit households. If you’re a passionate musician, having a dedicated space to compose music in peace may be the best way forward.

Regardless of your chosen instrument, any musician will need to soundproof their space to avoid irritating their neighbours. By including a full rubber wrap on all surfaces, your garden studio will reduce sound transfer by up to 45db.

It’s also worth considering limiting the number of windows or doors as reducing glass usage can help to bring down the sound levels.

If you’re a musician that dabbles in physical instruments, like guitars or drums, storage space will be paramount. Wall mounts or stands will allow you to store your instruments proudly and show them off to anyone who ventures into your musical abode. Or maybe you’re more of a producer, which requires space for a computer and sound system.

Regardless of whatever musical room you envision, we can keep your garden studio true to your vision.

Your garden room, your rules

Whatever your vision, we can help. Just let us know what your dream room entails and we can guide you through the rest.

What are you waiting for?

4. A photographer’s workshop

For amateurs and professionals alike, getting that one perfect shot is already challenging enough. Why not consider a garden studio fit solely for photography use?

Lighting is easily the most impactful factor in taking a good photo. A dimly lit room can ruin visibility, whilst too much exposure might make a photo too bright. Either way, an airy studio with enough natural light will address the woes of bad lighting.

Space is key for photography, especially when considering the use of large backdrops. Furthermore, you may want partitioned rooms to increase the variety of shots you take.

Moreso, probably applicable to all, you’ll need storage space to tidy away equipment you’re not using, such as stands or lights. Even if photography is just a hobby, things like props will add up over time, requiring you to find suitable places to put them.

5. You dream garden studio

Albeit a cliché way to round off, it is true – we’ll tailor your garden studio to fit your dream vision. The fifth amazing way is up to you to decide!

You dream garden studio During our time in the construction trade, we’ve seen a whole manner of ways in which people use their new rooms. Whether you’re an avid stamp collector, crazy about yoga or simply just want a quiet place to read and store your books, it ultimately doesn’t matter – we can help.

The best part is that even if you grow out of your hobby or profession, you can just repurpose your garden studio for a new use. You can still use an artistic space as a lounge or den if you decide to hang up the brushes!

And even if you don’t have any specific use for your studio in mind, that’s okay too. You can still have a garden room designed as an office, spa or even a guest room. Maybe it’ll be multi-use.

Remember – a garden studio performs the role that you choose!

So – what next?

As a wonderful addition to any home, a garden studio will be a great way of devoting space to your craft. With these ideas in mind, now is a better time than any to start planning for the future.

Let’s start your journey together – arrange your call with us now.

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